Monday, March 9, 2009

Still pluggin on

I was watching a talk on TV about repentance, and an analogy that was use was about a plant. Sometimes we want repentance to be an event, but it is a process, like plants. The speaker told a story about his son who was in Pre-School, they planted a bean in class that day, so the boy brought home the cup of dirt, placed it in a window with lots of light, and went to bed that night. In the morning, the boy came down to look at the plant, and in exasperation, said, "nothing is happening". Now, we all know that something indeed was happening under the ground. Repentance is like watching grass grow, if we just sit an watch, the change in imperceptible, but with patience, we see the change it goes through over time. Leo is having a change of heart, slowly, and I can see little inkling of change, but he has a long way to go. I on the other hand and having a very hard time still. Depression is sucky! I can blame him all I want, but I need the lord just as much as Leo does at this point in my life. I am hoping and praying that I can use the atonement of the Savior for my own hurts as well, and that I can heal, slowly like growing grass.