Tuesday, September 7, 2010


It has been 19 months of sobriety. NINETEEN months. Such a drop in the bucket, but it still seems like a long time. Leo tells me that the desire has just gone away, he feels like he no longer feels the "need" to find physical gratification through pornography. Can this really be the end? We have had a lot of stress in our lives lately regarding money and trying to make ends meet, so I wonder if this challenge has just swept the pornography addiction under the rug for the moment. Will it rear its ugly head again? Should I let my guard down? I want to believe that Leo has had a change of heart, and that this is going to be a trial of the past, but I just don't know if I can let that wall down yet. Can I begin to heal, and let my wall down. The stones are being removed one at a time, but the Great Wall of China will take a long time to tear down. I asked Leo about attending the Temple again, (he hasn't had a recommend for over 10 years) and he said that he is afraid. Afraid that if he answers the question that he feels personally worthy to attend, that he will mess up again. He is so afraid of failure and his confidence is weak. This overlaps into his daily life. He is do consumed by fear of failure that he has a hard tome moving forward and progressing. Weather it is in his personal life, his spiritual life, or his professional life, he is paralyzed by fear. I pray daily that he can overcome his fears and strive to progress, not only regarding his addiction, but all areas of life as well. I know that he can do it. I am cautiously optimistic but pressing forward.

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